Elly 24th February 2009

From Brigid Holdsworth. I first met Lawrence soon after I met Bruce in 1982, we were walking in Hebden Bridge and met him by chance. I thought he looked so jolly, if a little embarrassed at meeting us. He came to see us a lot when we moved into Old Lees Road and I have a lovely photo of him on the patio, sitting proudly on his new gleaming bike. He seemed to be interested in food even then and I was really surprised to hear that he was going to take 'Domestic Science' or 'Food Technology ' as it is called these days. The Holdsworths were always very good at celebrations and parties and our first was a Halloween one. I had previously managed to studiously avoid anything that necessitated any effort with my children! I have the photos of the four of them in fancy dress, apple bobbing. Getting soaked as they were 'accidentally' submerged. Liz and Rosie thought Lawrence was wonderful, what fun to suddenly have a big brother to muck about with. We have loads of photos of the Holdsworth Parties over the years at which Lawrence helped prepare and eat. We moved to Halifax so that we could have a house big enough and Lawrence used to do some wonderful cooking. I can remember his first fish pie, he boasted that he could GUARANTEE that there were no bones in it. Liz found one and we all howled with laughter. He was always so good natured, enthusiastic, sociable and personable. I particularly remember one weekend when The Grandparents were up from Plymouth and on the Saturday afternoon, Granddad, Bruce and Lawrence went off to Skipton for the day. They had a lovely day, Granddad was especially pleased that Lawrence was taking an interest in catering. They bought a huge pork pie from that speciality shop and had to eat it to stop it dribbling. I know that he was very hard working and made a really good impression on all the people that he worked for and with. He really got stuck into things he got involved with. He would probably be Chief Executive of ASDA by now, if his first inroads into retail had continued with the same enthusiasm. He had a gift for marketing too, he had lots if ideas for the deli where he worked . At the San Clu hotel in Ramsgate he had to do all the breakfasts, cooking and serving, on his own and he had only been at College for one year. One unhappy memory was the day he got his first, and last motorbike. He was on his way to his first motorbike training lesson and skidded when overtaking a bus. He broke his leg. He recovered quickly but it put him off motorbikes for ever. Even though he didn't spend long enough with Bruce and I and the girls, he made a lasting impression on me and the whole family. Bruce was so proud and thrilled when he started writing his thoughts and feelings down, when he went back to College. He showed a real talent for writing, like the rest of his family. I loved him and wish I had got to know him better.